Thursday, December 11, 2008

first snow and ramblings.

It snowed tonight. On December 11th, in good ole Tennessee. Wow oh wow. :]

Here's 14 completely random things about me and my life right now:

1. I know I've said this 647 times, but Amos Lee is so incredible.

2. I always get struck with inspiration late at night or at inopportune moments during the day...

3. ...hence why I almost always have a sketchbook on me or near me.

4. I am currently craving a London Fog.

5. It snowed today.

6. I really want to watch Chicago.

7. One of my goals for winter break: make stir fry for at least 5 people.

8. I like Ebay. A lot.

9. When I see the Malawian Nativity scene on the coffee table, I smile.

10. Michael W. Smith's newest album, A New Hallelujah, is absolutely beautiful.

11. A purchase of flannel socks may be in my very near future. My feet stay cold in the winter.

12. I spend half of my school day, literally, in the art room...

13. ...usually with the other Studio kids, listening to music and talking (and occasionally working on a project). We are family.

14. If I could be anywhere in the world right now:

Mission-wise: Sitting with Aefe on the field watching the boys play soccer, feeling the wind blow, Daddy's presence, and practicing our letters.

Just because-wise: in a hammock with a book on the beach somewhere where it's 83 degrees and sunny.
Africa Girl's Nights (the girls that went on the team) are always lots of fun. Especially Christmas Extravaganza ones. Complete with a PJ pants swap and cookie-making. :]