Tuesday, September 30, 2008

fall = love.

How I absolutely adore fall. It's got me dancing and wondering and adventure-ing, and dreaming. I think it's the way the air feels and smells.

Ray LaMontagne and Amos Lee are the names of the game today. And open windows and a sketchbook. Oh, sweet bliss. This is what Heaven will be like.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

i think my heart may explode.

A girl's heart can only take so much excitement.

We (the seniors at school) have already started a count-down to senior year. 136 days, my friend. Woo hoo. But also oh no...my time is running out.

Since seeing the Go! Movie, all I have been able to think about is how BLESSED I am, and how much NEED there is in the world. Specifically, Northern Uganda. I mean, having my heart located there really doesn't have anything to do with it.... :] kidding, of course. So I am currently marvelously entangled in the web of organizing the BIGGEST community wide book drive ever. All for the sake of students in Northern Uganda that have been affected by the longest running genocide in human history. Man, I'm excited.

PLUS....senior year is rockin. I've applied to one college, and am going to work on another application this weekend. (Can you tell that there's no football?) Speaking of football...WE ARE UNDEFEATED. Yessss. We play one of our biggest rivals in a week, and I'm honestly sitting on pins and needles. It will be a great game!

And then, the leaves are changing, and it feels FABULOUS outside. I would be out there blogging this and listening to Matchbox Twenty/John Mayer/Justin Nozuka. Yay Pandora, but boo wireless internet that only reaches so far.

And! Oh, and. GREYS ANATOMY TONIGHT. YEAHHHH. The long awaited season. Hooray, I have made it! I had my doubts. I'm ridiculously addicted to Grey's. It's quite sad. But, oh well. :]

I just can't wait for:
-the book drive to officially be kicked off.
-the leaves start changing colors.
-fall picnics
-outside sketchbook days.
-more football.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

because i miss it.

Brooklyn, one of the Middle School pastors at TPC is in Malawi right now. I think the day she left was the hardest day since being back. What I wouldn't give to have been on that plane with her.

There's no dout about it, my heart is in Africa. I didn't believe that for a few days on and off since I've been home. But now, more than ever...I know my heart is there.

3 months later. After blood, sweat, and tears of 15 American teenagers and 5 adults went into that house, it still stands and is being lived in. I walked that land, I layed those bricks. I prayed over that house countless times...there, and here. I think about the family that lives in that house everyday. I'll never forget spending hours in the bathroom with Court, or sweeping with my hands with Kelso and Will. I'll never forget the picture of love that the Lord showed us on that last day. This is The House That Love Built.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

some of my new favorite things.

Courtney and I ventured** to Nashvegas this past weekend to see the GO! premier of the new Invisible Children movie. Oh man, how God has put this organization on my heart. The showing was so cool, it was at Take 121 Arts...which was totally cute and totally me. Very artsy, very comfortable, and very down-home feeling. There were alot of Belmont kids there-which was exciting.

**[ I say ventured because we MapQuested directions, and they led us through the ghetto of downtown Nashville. Two blondes+maps+ghetto... not the best mix.]

The movie itself was SO awesome. It brought back many memories- it's about a team of students from all across America that raised the most money out of all the schools that competed in Schools for Schools. As their adventure unfolded on the movie, I couldn't help but remember my journey to Africa. Of course, their's was vastly different, but at the same time, so similar to mine. After the movie, the IC Roadies introduced us to 5 of the team members that went. I was so psyched, and I'm now friends with 2 of them on Facebook.

So. A list. 'Cause I like those...and I'm good at them.

My NEW Favorite Things:
-Kairos on Tuesday nights.
-Schools 4 Schools
-Nalgene jars...just don't let them get over heated.
-Senior Student Council
Oh, how fun senior boys are.